Our Team > Lloyd Cherry

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Lloyd Cherry

Lloyd was born in Anchorage, Alaska.  He has been married to Barb for thirty-four years.  They have three children, Stacey (who is married to Matt), Shannon and Jeffrey.  He has two grandchildren, Avery and Jake.  

He grew up in an unchurched home and became a Christian on his college campus when he was 19-years-old.  He states, “The biggest change in my life was the overwhelming joy that resulted in joining into a relationship with Jesus Christ, a deep sense of life purpose, and a desire to do right and treat others with kindness.”

Lloyd has been attending Christ’s Church since 1984.  He is passionate about any discipleship opportunities, especially involving “young adults and the opportunity to project, as a vision for living, the Lordship of Christ influencing the use of our time, talent and treasure to further the kingdom of God.”

He enjoys river and stream fishing, gardening, listening to music, studying presidential history, and golf.  His favorite childhood memory is a Fourth of July vacation with his parents on the Hood Canal when he was twelve-years-old. He is an avid fan of listening to Mariner games and watching Seahawks football.  His favorite getaway in the Pacific Northwest is family vacations at Eagle Crest in Redmond, Oregon and his annual camping/fishing trip with his son on the Bogachiel River near Forks, Washington.

Lloyd says, “Barb and I are so thankful for the heritage involved in having and raising our children while being at Christ's Church of Federal Way all of our adult years. Many friends and coworkers have richly blessed our marriage and memories, and continue to help us thrive in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.”