
Is there any Difference between Biblical Counseling & Christian Psychology or Christian Counseling?
1997 by John Macarthur

At a superficial glance, it would appear that a biblical counselor and a psychotherapist who is a Christian do many of the same things. Both converse with people; both care about people; both get to know people; both are interested in motivation, thoughts, emotions, and behavior; both explore the various pressures in a person’s situation; both give feedback; perhaps both talk about Jesus or a passage of Scripture. So how do they differ?”


The Psychological Does Not Exist
May 29, 2014 by Ed Welch

The ingredients of the psychological certainly exist. They are among the most important and interesting features of our inner life, which includes thought patterns, personality, emotions, and individual motivations. But is their conceptual holding tank—the psychological—a real and useful category, or is it unnecessary and unhelpful for understanding humanity? Is there a distinct part of us that is not spiritual and not biological—but psychological? I suggest that what we know as the psychological is an expression of our bodies and spirits.”


Psychology vs Bible
September 1993 by Randy Alcorn

In the evangelical churches of America, many people who do not know the meaning of "substitutionary atonement," "sanctification," "holiness" and "depravity" are becoming intimately acquainted with the meaning of "codependency," "enabler," "dysfunction" and "abuse."

The biblical model of personal responsibility, man's sin and God's redemption is being replaced by the psychological model of victimization, dysfunction and recovery.”


Why the Psychological Church Will Always End up Diminishing the Cross of Christ
June 14, 2019 by Paul Tautges

In 1 Corinthians 1:17, the apostle Paul establishes the preaching of Christ as his highest priority. He does this to turn the Corinthians’ attention away from humanistic philosophy to “the word of the cross.” Take a moment to read the full context in 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.

Here, Paul exalts the wisdom of Christ over the foolishness of men. This is seen in the repetitive use of the words “foolishness” or “fool” (five times), and “wisdom” or “wise” (nine times). This contrast between God’s wisdom in Christ and the foolishness of human philosophy highlights six elements of God’s revelation that establish its superiority.”


What Should I Read to Better Understand Biblical Counseling?
August 7, 2018 by Sean Perron

What books should I read to better understand the philosophy behind biblical counseling?”

This is an excellent question and one that is asked frequently. More than this, it is a question that needs to be asked.

Biblical counseling has a specific, nuanced, and well-established foundation for how to think about the issues troubled people are facing. If you want to grow in your understanding of the philosophy behind biblical counseling, here are my top book recommendations. These books are chosen for the various reasons and purposes listed below.”



4 Promises of Forgiveness

