There’s Nothing Like the Resurrection
I re-read an excellent article written by pastor George Lawson entitled “50+ Results of Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead” and thought it was a great follow-up to Easter weekend.
How blessed we are to serve a risen Savior, live by resurrection power, and look forward to being with and like Christ in our new resurrected bodies!!!
As a result of Jesus’ Resurrection….
Scripture was fulfilled (Acts 2:31; Acts 26:22–23; John 20:9; 1 Cor 15:4).
Jesus became the first to proclaim light (Acts 26:23).
Jesus became the subject of our proclamation (Acts 4:2, 33;17:18).
Jesus was declared the Son of God with Power (Rom 1:4).
Our preaching has meaning (1 Cor 15:14).
Our faith has substance (1 Cor 15:14,17).
Our witness is truthful (1 Cor 15:15).
We have the assurance that our sins are forgiven (1 Cor 15:17).
We have hope for those who have died in Christ (1 Cor 15:18).
Our Christian life is meaningful (1 Cor 15:19, 58).
Jesus has become the first fruits of those who sleep (1 Cor 15:20).
Our bodies will be raised to life (1 Cor 6:14; 15:12; Rom 8:11).
Death has been abolished (1 Cor 15:26, 54).
We are motivated to die daily (1 Cor 15:32).
We will be raised imperishable (1 Cor 15:42).
We will be raised in glory (1 Cor 15:43).
We will be raised in power (1 Cor 15:43).
We will be raised a spiritual body (1 Cor 15:44).
We will bear the image of His heavenly body (1 Cor 15:49).
We will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 15:50).
The sting of death has been removed ( 1 Cor 15:55-57).
We’ve been given victory (1 Cor 15:57).
We will obtain a better resurrection (Heb 11:35).
We will be partakers of the first resurrection (Rev 20:5).
We are united to His resurrection (Rom 6:5).
We Bless God (1 Pet 1:3).
We can appeal to God for a good conscience (1 Pet 3:21).
The agony of death has been put to an end (Acts 2:24).
He was raised to the right hand of God (Acts 2:33).
His holiness is confirmed (Acts 10:35).
He received the promises of David (Acts 13:34).
Those who do not believe will be destroyed (Acts 13:40–41).
We have been justified (Rom 4:25).
We might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).
Death is no longer master over us (Rom 6:9).
We can bear fruit for God (Rom 7:4).
He intercedes for us (Rom 8:34).
We don’t trust in ourselves (2 Cor 1:9).
We will be presented before God (2 Cor 4:14).
We can seek things above (Col 3:1).
He was given glory (1 Pet 1:21).
We wait for Him from heaven (1 Thess. 1:9–10).
He has the keys of death and hades (Rev 1:18).
He is Lord of the dead and the living (Rom 14:9).
He lives to God (Rom 6:10).
He is a priest forever (Heb 7:16–17).
We will never die and are “sons of the resurrection” (Luke 20:36).
His own words have been fulfilled (John 2:19–22).
His disciples are free to proclaim the gospel to the world (Matt 17:9; Mark 9:9).
It’s proven that Jesus Christ will judge the world (Acts 17:31).
The surpassing greatness of His power has been displayed (Eph 1:19).
We have a living hope (1 Pet 1:3).
Pastor Jeff