Partnering with Parents to
Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Children's Ministry is dedicated to the gospel, reaching kids and families with the transformational truth in God's Word.

The Gospel Project curriculum is one of the teaching tools we use. We are currently teaching the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation in the New Testament. We also emphasize Scripture memory and the books of the Bible, encouraging children to bring their Bibles and notebooks to church so they can record and remember what God's Word teaches. We begin both services with worship and missionary focus, then transition to classroom environments for teaching and prayer.

We have Children’s Services for all ages at both 9 & 11am. Check in at the Kid’s Check-In station in the foyer of the Worship Center before taking your children to their respective areas.

  • Birth–2yrs (Nursery) plants the first seeds of God's love in children's hearts from Birth through 2 years. We believe a child begins to form an impression of the church at a very early age. We desire to provide quality care and a loving, secure environment for your child. 

  • 3yrs-K Children (Clubhouse) begin enjoying games and making new friends. We have an entire team ready to lead your child in worship and teach them how worthy our Lord is to be praised. We begin with games/activities before we join in high-energy praise and worship. The rest of the time, kids will hear age-appropriate Bible lessons taught with the gospel at its core. We encourage you to engage your child about what they discovered from the Bible today!

  • 1st-5th Grade Children (Warehouse) engage in many different activities all pointing to the gospel and to Jesus Christ. We use the Scriptures, discuss in small groups, pray for each other, and head home with a clear understanding at the end of the morning. We encourage you to engage your child about what they discovered from the Bible today. Oh, and please have your child(ren) bring their Bibles. Each week we read directly from the Bible during Bible lessons.

We use a secure and easy check-in system with Church Center. If you plan to have your child join us in Children’s Ministry for the first time, you will want to visit our welcome center to set up an account. This is very easy to do and will require you to provide us with your household information, phone number, and any allergies we should be aware of. The check-in will provide you with a sticker for your child to wear and a security code for you to hold on to. If you need any assistance during check-in, we are happy to help! You will present your security code upon check out at the classroom.

Safety is our top priority, so all of our classrooms are staffed by background-checked and trained volunteers who are members of our church community.

AWANA is a discipleship opportunity for all children. We love the partnership of parents and grandparents with our volunteer leaders who are dedicated to teaching and explaining the Scriptures to children, as well as continuing to grow themselves. We are committed to honoring our Lord Jesus Christ by following Him and sharing His good news with the community and the world. Registration opens mid-summer. Register Today

Note: Puggles and Cubbies groups are only available for AWANA volunteer staff or on-site Life Group attendees. Find more information about Life Groups here!

We plan several events each year designed specifically for your kids. 

  • Easter Flapjack Feast Services 9am & 11am - April

  • Kids Town Camp - June 24 (9am-12:15pm)

  • Pizza Party with Friends - July 14 (3:00-5:00pm)

  • Lights Out! - October

  • Thanksgiving BreakFEAST - November

Check out The Loop to register. 

For upcoming Student events, visit The Loop.
The Loop is our all-in-one place for upcoming events at Christ’s Church.


Steve Mangle
Children’s Pastor

Gail Brewer
Children’s Ministry Assistant

Theresa Dibble
Children’s Ministry Assistant

Janis Schlepp
Children’s Ministry Assistant

Awana Leadership

Scott Conrad
Ministry Leader

Joel & Baily Easling
AWANA Missionaries

Come Serve With Us
Our goal is to teach the Word of God and show children the love of God, so they may understand who God is and His plan for them. The desired outcome is becoming devoted followers of Jesus.  

Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.