June’s Disgrace

Each month of the year has quite a variety of daily and monthly holidays and observances. June has a total of 264 holidays or celebrations observed for each day of the month (from Wear a Dress Day to National Food Truck Day) along with 8 additional monthly observances (ENTIRE LIST).
Many of these observances are odd (June 2: National Bubba Day), unnatural (June 4: National Hug Your Cat Day; June 19: National Take Your Cat to Work Day), tasty (June 11: National Corn on the Cob Day, lots of other food & drink days), strange (June 18: International Panic Day), positive (June 18: Father’s Day), self-centered (June 21: National Selfie Day), rare (June 22: Positive Media Day), and don't seem to have a point (June 24: Swim a Lap Day).
But what overshadows all these days and monthly observances in an inordinate way is Pride Month. We are being asked and almost forced to celebrate a perversion of God’s design for sexuality. It is becoming so pervasive that anyone who dares to speak against it can expect to be viewed or called out as an extreme hater and one that must be shamed and canceled. You would almost think we had rediscovered some long-lost virtue that has returned honor and value to society and families. But it is the exact opposite.
Of course, as believers, we know the power of spiritual darkness and blindness that sin can bring. It is disgraceful and we are calling “evil good and good evil” as Isaiah notes (5:20). Only the gospel of Christ can deliver us from the wretchedness of this sin and shame, so we pray (for parents, teachers, governing authorities, those who struggle and suffer), we speak up (with truth in love & grace), and we proclaim God’s life-altering good news.
But as we all get inundated and assaulted by the tsunami of deception and distortion of God’s sexual design this month, let’s remind ourselves of what God has taught us about who we are as people created in His image (Gen. 1:26–27).
Please take some time and read (yourself, with your family, and pass it on to others) the excellent
Nashville Statement on Sexuality It highlights God’s beautiful and purposeful design about our sexuality. Don’t miss viewing some of the resources provided with the statement that can help answer your questions and provide some help to those who struggle with their sexuality (click on the resources tab).
Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).
Pastor Jeff


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