COVID-19 Protocol Statement

As we all know too well, it has been a challenging 14 months navigating the ever-evolving, ever-changing effects and government guidance regarding COVID-19.  It has been our prayer and commitment to lead and shepherd our church family as best we could through this difficult time. We have sought to honor the Lord in gathering and ministering to our people, honor our governing authorities (unless we feel they have asked us to dishonor the Lord), and encouraged everyone to love, care and prefer one another as we share differing convictions and perspectives along the way.  We know we haven’t done this perfectly, but we have appreciated your faithful prayers, love, grace, and responsiveness during this time. 

In light of the recent updates from the CDC and our Governor, we are making face coverings optional during Sunday services and all other church ministries beginning this week. Additionally, we are no longer requiring pre-registration for Sunday services.  

The principal reason for this decision is related to the problematic application of the state’s new guidance for the church. We believe that segregating our church family into sections for the vaccinated or unvaccinated requires us to make unbiblical distinctions and show partiality toward one another. This we believe could be divisive, create forbidden distinctions, and dishonor the Lord as James 2:9 states: “but if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors” (2:1-9). 

With these protocol changes, we are seeking to use Romans 12:10 “giving preference to one another in honor” as a guiding principle. Paul commands us to “do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” (Ph. 2:3-4).  

We will fully support those who choose to proceed with greater caution due to health concerns.   

We will encourage those who want to continue wearing a face covering to do so. 

We will have our ushers ready to assist anyone who prefers to be seated in areas with more social distancing.  

We are thankful for the sensitivity and love that has been demonstrated by our church family. It has been a blessing to see many of you set aside convenience and comfort to prefer and love your brothers and sisters in Christ and seek to “preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3).  

We have full confidence and peace in our sovereign Lord who holds our ministry and future in His hands. We invite you to join us as we seek to gather more of our people together in worship, ministry, and fellowship for the sake of the gospel, the well-being of our church family, and the glory of God. 

You may have questions related this decision and we will do our best to answer them as needed. It is our greatest joy to honor the Lord by shepherding our church family and being a gospel witness to our community. 

Thank you for serving the Lord and His church with us! 

Pastor Jeff & the Elder Board


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