Examine Yourself

I hate going to the doctor!

I especially dislike those comprehensive physical examinations. The thorough inspection of my physical body and functions usually reminds me yearly of my need to take better care of myself. It doesn’t help when your doctor asks you those pointed questions about your diet, exercise, and rest habits. I can take the prods, pokes, and pulls without the stinging interrogation. But as we all know and appreciate, it’s for our good (isn’t it??).

There is another kind of examination that I don’t particularly enjoy, but know it is healthy and valuable. It is our spiritual exam. I was thumbing through some old notes the other day and ran across a series of examination questions that caught my attention and made me consider the health of my commitment to Christ and His church.

Would you be willing to take this exam? I hope it won’t bite too much, but will instead prompt an honest assessment that would motivate a renewed spiritual energy and exercise for the glory of God and the good of others around you.

  • Here’s the biggie: What kind of church would Christ’s Church be if every person were just like me?

  • How many worship gatherings would we have if everyone attended and participated the way I do?

  • How much ministry would be accomplished in the name of our glorious Lord if everyone served just like me?

  • How much spiritual growth would be experienced if everyone grew like me?

  • How many prayers would be offered for my leaders, church family, and unbelievers around me if everyone prayed just like me?

  • How many fellow believers would be encouraged and blessed if everyone loved like me?

  • How many needs would be met if everyone assisted others just like me?

  • How supported and resourced would church ministry and gospel proclamation be if everyone generously donated like me?

  • How much resolution and restoration of conflict would take place if everyone pursued reconciliation like me?

  • How many people in my sphere of influence (friends, neighbors, coworkers, schoolmates, teammates, etc.) would be reached with the gospel if every person shared just like me?

  • How many people would be treated kindly and edified if everyone guarded their tongue like me?

  • What kind of blessing would people (inside and outside the church) receive if everyone practiced their faith just like me?

Our spiritual health matters and it has an impact whether we realize it or not.

I’m so thankful that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not only a gracious Healer (of sin and sickness) but also a model of flawless spiritual health. Let’s fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:3).

Pastor Jeff 


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