Keep Pressing On

An interesting title caught my eye this week: “19 Mind-Blowing New Year’s Resolution Statistics (2023).” The opening line said this: “The New Year’s resolution statistics don’t lie…” Here are a few of the highlights or lowlights. You can read the whole analysis if you care to. 

  • 38.5% of US adults set New Year’s resolutions every year.

  • 59% of young adults (18–34) have New Year’s resolutions, which makes it the largest demographic that sets these goals.

  • 48% want to exercise more, making it the most popular New Year’s resolution. The top 3 are all health-related.

But these, in particular, caught my eye:

  • 23% quit in the first week, and only 36% make it past the first month.

  • 43% of all people expect to fail before February and most quit before the end of January.

  • 9% successfully keep their New Year’s resolutions.

Maybe you don’t make New Year’s resolutions for one reason or another, or perhaps you petered out as the statistics indicate.
The Scriptures are replete with encouragements to “press on toward the goal” (Phil 3:12, 14), “let us run the race with endurance” (Heb. 12:1) or “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58 among many others). We know the Christian life is a daily battle against a sin-cursed world and in our unredeemed bodies, but it can be hard to keep on keeping on.
The Hebrews writer calls our attention to what he calls “a cloud of witnesses” who testify to a life of persevering faith. While you and I run the race, we are inspired by those who went before us.
Re-read Hebrews 11 (only takes 5 minutes or less to read) and then pause at verse 28. Let its truth remind you of the victory we are guaranteed.
The most important resolutions are those that keep you and me persevering in the faith, so let's fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”
What a Savior. What a Trailblazer. What an Example we have in Jesus.
Read in our excellent reads the encouraging article on “Eight Counsels for Those Thinking of Quitting” by John Piper.
Pastor Jeff


Be Humble


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