Make Up of our Mission Field
Last week I shared some “Fast Facts” about the demographics of the United States and the church. This week, I will share some of the demographics of our local Federal Way mission field which trickles out into the surrounding cities. As you read about the diversity of our local area, ask the Lord to burden your heart for those who are spiritually blind and lost and need the life-transforming message of the gospel.
Federal Way population: 94,745 (10th largest city in WA of 635 cities, but decreasing at a rate of -1.62%; Population peaked in 2020 at 100,981).
Age: 23% under 18; 28% is 35-54 years old; 10% age 65 and over. Median age is 36.2 years.
Ethnic Makeup: 48.8% (White); 17.5% (Hispanic or Latino); 15.7% (Black); 14% (Asian); 2.3% (Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders); Native American (1%); Two or more ethnicities (7%). Federal Way School district recognizes there are 111 languages spoken in the households of its students. 63.8% of household speak only English, while 11.9% speak Spanish. 44.22% were born in Federal Way; 72.33% are native born; 27.7% are foreign-born; 14.54% are non-citizens, 13.14% are naturalized. 72.33% of Federal Way residents were born in America.
Education: 95.04% are high school graduates or higher; 37.52% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. There are 5 public elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 5 high schools. 1600 students are homeless in the Federal Way Public Schools and it is the number one most diverse school district in the state and number five in the country.
Median Household Income: $80,360. 65.7% Labor force participation; 61.8% employment rate; 5.5% unemployment rate. The poverty rate is 11.77%.
Median Home price is $630,000. Average rent is $1,811. Home ownership (55.5%) Rent homes (44.5%). The average family size is 3.29 and the average household size has 2.71 people. The average commute time is 33.3 minutes.
Politics: 75% voted democrat in the last presidential election; 22/2% voted Republican; 2.8% voted independent (In 2000, 60.02% voted Democrat and 343.4% voted Republican; 5.58% voted independent)
Religious Makeup: Around 64% never attend church or religious services or go less than once a year (that is 1.98 million people out of 3.1 million ages 18 and older in our metro area: King, Pierce, Snohomish counties). The Seattle area is ranked as the least religious, edging out San Francisco where 63% never attend religious services or go less than once a year. 38.7% of people in Federal Way are religious (37% Nones; 15.5% Catholic; 7.4% another Christian faith; 3.1% Mormon; 2% Lutheran; 2% Pentecostal; 1.9% Presbyterian; 1.5% Eastern faith; 1.4% Baptist; 1.4% Methodist; .8% Episcopalian; .8% Judaism; .7% Muslim).
Statistics were derived from the following sources: US Census, World Population Review, City of Federal Way, Best Places, Redfin, Washington Demographics, Pew Research Center.
This is our mission field and these numbers represent real struggling and broken image-bearers of God who are in the snare of sin. We understand what sin did to us when we were trying to make sense out of life. We are all thankful for parents or friends or pastors or other significant witnesses God put in our path to connect us to the gospel that has and continues to revolutionize our lives.
Keep praying and thinking about how the Lord can providentially use you to share the gospel in your unique sphere of influence whether at home, in the neighborhood, at the gym, school, work, or other environments where we cross paths with unbelievers. I’m thankful for my parents and church leaders who kept the message of hope and good news in front of me until it took root.
Pastor Jeff