M.O.R.E. Tools
Sunday, we learned how we can make MORE disciples of Jesus Christ and Paul reminded us that he was committed to make himself “a slave to all, so that I may win more” (1 Corinthians 9:19).
I presented four biblical ways to win more and used Paul’s word “more” to spell out these truths:
Missionary heart of compliance, compassion, and conviction (Isa. 43:10–13; 49:6; Ezek. 18:32; Matt. 9:36; 1 Cor. 9:16).
Outstanding lifestyle that models the gospel life before a watching world (1 Pet 2:12; Phil. 1:27; Rom. 2:24; Gal. 1:24; Titus 2:10).
Ready witness that prioritizes Christ, is prepared to share, and does so in a pleasant, gentle way (1 Peter 3:15).
Expectant faith that trusts God for boldness, divine appointments, conviction from the Holy Spirit, and changed lives (Matt. 28:20; Acts 1:8; 4:23–31; Acts 8:26; John 16:8–11; 1 Cor. 3:6).
Now, I’d like to share with you a few MORE tools that can help us in our gospel conversations:
Ask questions: There are many you can ask and my favorite is “What kind of a faith background do you have?” It never fails to get a response and opens the door to drop some gospel seeds. I’d like to share with you what I call the Big 5 questions that I am personally testing out to see how they can engage others in my sphere of influence.
Just ask “how do you personally answer the Big 5?” So far, everyone responds with something like “what are the big 5?” And the door opens!!! Here are the Big 5, and they seem to spark a lot of interesting interaction:
Where do we (as humans) come from?
Who are we as human beings?
Why are we here? (What’s the purpose of our existence?)
How should we live? (What should be the compass or guide of our life?)
Where are we ultimately headed after death?
Give someone a gospel booklet and ask them to read it (they are brief) and let you know what they think. It’s simple, non-nonintrusive, and puts the gospel in their hands. Here’s a few I recommend and ones we have (or plan to have) at our gospel resource table: "The Story," "Don’t Stub Your Toe" (Todd Friel), "Two Ways to Live" (Matthias Media), "Who is Jesus?" (Greg Gilbert), "The Purpose & Meaning of Life" (Ken Ham), or "The Importance of One" (gospeltractstore.com).
Send your unsaved friends or family member a short video about the gospel. Here are some good ones: 321 Gospel Presentation (Glen Scrivener), The Gospel in Four Minutes (for young adults and younger), Are You a Good Person? (Animation by Living Waters), Ray Comfort Sharing the Gospel.
There are many more tools you can use to spread the gospel around. Remember that what revolutionizes people’s lives is the gospel message itself (read Romans 1:16) and the ministry of the Holy Spirit who convicts and converts souls.
One final encouragement. The following 5-minute video is such great reminder and motivation about the power of the gospel. It’s a must see.