Never Forget
It seems like a big part of life is remembering things…your keys, phone, names, bills, turning things off, turning things on, etc. Some of us are better than others at remembering things. We’ve all seen or read the bumper sticker that says “I’ve got everything together, I just forgot where I put it.”
But we also know there are things we should never forget…birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, promises, and most importantly, the lavish richness of God’s grace and truth toward us who believe!
God is not a forgetter even when He chooses not to recall our sins against Him (Jer. 31:34; Isa. 43:25; Heb. 8:12; 10:17). The Hebrews writer makes this amazing statement about our God: “for God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints” (Heb. 6:10).
God doesn’t forget:
Your prayers that quietly, but powerfully, assist another brother or sister with their need.
Your love that lightens a burden and inspires a hope and trust in God.
Your greeting that makes someone feel accepted and welcome.
Your teaching that motivates a child or student to learn who God is and what He has done.
Your forgiveness that frees someone from a guilty conscience.
Your organization that helps keep a ministry working in an orderly and effective fashion.
Your sensitivity that notices an overlooked need.
Your financial assistance that helps supply somone's loss.
Your visit that brings encouragement to someone’s life.
Your card or note that helps someone see that God cares and so do you.
Your witness that shares the only gospel cure for a sinner's incurable disease.
Your willingness to step in and help provide for an absent worker.
Your voice or musical skill that helps enhance our worship.
Your servant attitude that is a motivating example for others to follow.
Your spiritual gift that builds up others in the body of Christ.
Your counsel that gives insight and support for overcoming a difficult struggle.
God doesn’t forget the ministry of His people, but we sometimes do. Paul made a point to remember his brothers and sisters in the church family and commonly said things like this, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Phil. 1:3).
Here’s a challenge for all of us. Make a point this week to remember and appreciate one of our servants. Send a note or card or text or email or better yet, make a phone call or personal visit and communicate your gratitude or a word of encouragement to those who faithfully serve our church family (parking attendant, greeter, usher, Loop information worker, hospitality server, a/v team member, musician, worship team singer, Sunday School teacher, nursery worker, check-in team assistant, leader, listener, elder, counselor, office staff, communications team member, student ministry coach, and others).
Don’t forget to be a blessing to another brother or sister in our church family, and remember God never forgets your ministry in His name.
Pastor Jeff