O Lord, Revive Us
Everybody is talking about what has been taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, ever since a normally scheduled chapel service on the morning of February 8th turned into a special move of the Spirit in prayer, repentance, and worship. It continues to grow in number and has been spreading around to other schools and attracting the attention of the news media.
So, what should we think? How should we respond?
Pray that this is a genuine move of God that spreads across our churches and cities far and wide. Many have noted that revival begins in the church, then it can spread as an awakening to salvation in the hearts of those without Christ. Let’s pray as the sons of Korah did in Psalm 85:6: “Will You not Yourself revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”
Look for the signs of revival that honor God’s Word and display its historical marks. 1 Thessalonians 5:19–21: “Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.” Nehemiah 8 reveals some characteristics of a revival God’s people would experience after being disciplined by God during their 70-year exile in Babylon. Nehemiah led God’s people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days and then God began a work of revival in their hearts in a number of ways:
They desired to hear God’s Word (Neh. 8:1–5). This is what every revived heart will crave.
They declared God’s greatness in worship (8:6-8). This is always one of the primary responses to God’s Word.
They were distressed over their sin (8:9). Sorrowing over sin led to a great confession of sin (9:1–3).
They delighted in God’s merciful kindness to them (8:10–12). The joy of the Lord permeates your life.
They devoted themselves to obeying the Lord again (8:13–18). There is no revival without a heart that wants to honor the Lord’s will.
However, as Leonard Ravenhill said, “As long as we are content to live without revival, we will.” May the Lord cause our hearts to be driven by a holy discontent for anything less than His reviving work in our hearts and through our lives.
Pastor Jeff