The doors are opening!
Dear Christ’s Church family,
We are very excited to have the opportunity to reopen our in-person services on Sundays. The governor announced on June 18th that churches are allowed to “hold indoor services at a place of worship with up to 25% capacity or up to 200 people.” There will still be some restrictions and limitations, but we will be able to meet.
The following information is provided to make sure you have all the information you need to understand how we will be proceeding beginning this Sunday, June 28th.
Service Times: We will hold two in-person Sunday services: 8:30am & 10:30am and the 10:30am service will continue to be live-streamed.
Children: Until further notice, there will be NO nursery, children’s, or student ministry classes during Sunday services. We are encouraging our families to come. Activity sheets will be available for school-age children. We are hoping to provide some children’s ministry in the next month. There is also a Moms & Babies room available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration: All attendees must register to attend.
Registration for attendance will open every Thursday morning at 6:00am.
Go to our Christ’s Church website and click “Register Attendance” on the front page or register here.
Each person who registers must agree to comply with three requirements (face coverings, health, social distancing).
When registration reaches 200 people for each service, it will automatically close. A simulcast and separate registration will be available for the 10:30am service in the Ministry Center if the Worship Center is at capacity. You will be able to locate this at the Loop or on our Christ’s Church Facebook page.
Expectations: All attendees must consent to the following guidelines as directed by the Governor’s order.
All who attend a service are to wear a mask. Masks will be available at the church, but we encourage you to provide your own mask.
Physical Distancing: You are to maintain physical distancing of at least six feet. Families may sit together. Seating and standing areas will be marked.
Restrooms: No more than two people at a time may occupy any of the restrooms.
Hygiene: We encourage you to wash your hands. We encourage you to bring your own personal hand sanitizer. The church will also have additional dispensers throughout the lobby and hallways.
Sanitation: All touched areas will be sanitized before each service. All trash cans will contain liners and be disposed of after each service.
Survey: Please take our 10-question all-church Reopening Survey posted on the front page of our website or click here. Just click on the survey and help us learn what the collective feelings and convictions of our church family are during these days of reopening in-person church life and ministry.
Communication: Each week, an all-church email is sent on Thursday detailing the upcoming services and events. If you are not receiving this email, please send your email contact to Or sign up here. We will also be providing this information on our website beginning Thursday at 10am on the Loop.
We continue to pray and desire that our church family would join us in honoring our Lord during these challenging times with an attitude of compliance to our governing authorities, extending grace and love to fellow believers who hold differing convictions, and to be a good testimony to our mission field.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the church or send an email to and we’ll be happy to reply.
All for the sake of the gospel and our Lord,
Pastor Jeff