Updated Covid Message from Elders

As of May 27th, Governor Inslee has granted permission for churches to gather outside in-person on campus grounds for up to 100 people. In light of this announcement, we are opening the church grounds for in-person gatherings by appointment (e.g., Life Groups, Flourish, etc.). We ask that you read, discuss and follow the Interim Guidance for Communities of faith  with your group as you meet and seek the well-being of your group members.
We pray that we would love our neighbor as ourselves as God’s people and we would do so all the more as we gather together and anticipate His return.  In our current context that means that we respect and honor one another in humility and defer to one another in love. As we consider face masks, social distancing and other government guidance we must first lead from a place of grace and love toward one another as our biblical mandate. We ask that you spend time together as a life group in prayer and in submission to Christ and His Word, to our government leaders and to one another on these matters before gathering so that unity and love is displayed in our conduct toward one another. We believe that our demonstration of love to one another will be a shining testimony to the world that we will be known by our love for one another.   
Please email Buttons to reserve a day and time to meet.
Additional updates will be provided pending any new information.


Let Scripture Be Your Guiding Light


He is Wonderful in Counsel and Excellent in Wisdom