I Love the Church, Don’t You?
It is no surprise that the greatest organization on the face of the earth, the church, would be beset with all sorts of struggles, weaknesses, and imperfections in its earthly expression. Why? Simply because you and I are part of it. Enough said.
But oh, how I love the church! There is nothing like her in terms of her origin (founded by our Creator, Redeemer, and King Jesus), her mission (to provide the ultimate remedy of life for our ultimate disease of sin), and her viability (she survives and thrives beyond any and all obstacle or opposition).
At the end of the message, I shared 8 reasons why I love the church and wanted to reiterate them again so we can all grow in our love for the Lord’s Church!
I love the church because:
It is guided by the greatest purpose ever devised: to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ which gives our life ultimate meaning and purpose.
It is populated by the greatest people every assembled: Ex-sinners turned forgiven saints, fellow heirs, fellow members, fellow citizens, all justified, sanctified, and eventually glorified.
It is promised the greatest protection ever needed: Jesus said, “the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matt. 16:18b). We are part of a “kingdom that cannot be shaken” (Heb. 12:28).
It is driven by the greatest power ever available: the Holy Spirit who seals us, baptizes us, gifts us, energizes us, nourishes us, sustains us, perfects us, motivates us, produces fruit in us, and fills us with power and hope.
It is motivated by the greatest promises ever made: the gospel of God’s grace overcomes our past sins, empowers our present ability to face trials and temptations, and guarantees our future life with Christ.
It is united by the greatest practice ever experienced: the love of God which was poured out into our hearts to share selflessly and mutually what is the best for others in truth, care, forgiveness, patience, grace, correction, encouragement, and service.
It is grounded in the greatest perspective ever known: the truth which conforms to the reality that God communicated to us about Himself (our Triune God), who we are, our core need, His gospel solution and the purpose of life.
BUT BY FAR and not even close, I love the church the most because it revolves around the greatest Person ever known: the Lord Jesus Christ, our gracious Savior, sympathetic High Priest, Sovereign Head of the church, Author and Perfector of faith, Chief Shepherd, and our coming King of kings and Lord of lords.
And don’t you just love these words from our Savior? “I will build My church…” It is His promise and we get all the blessing. Case closed.
Pastor Jeff