What a Savior!

This next week we begin what is known as the Holy Week or The Passion Week of Jesus Christ.

  • The gospel writers record 45 different events, teachings and interactions during the final week of Jesus Christ between the Triumphal Entry and our Lord’s burial.

  • It is recorded in Matthew 21:1-27:66; Mark 11:1-15-47; Luke 19:28-23:56; John 11:55-19:42.

  • I encourage you to read through the Easter Week in Real Time as presented in this article by Russ Ramsey, or watch these short videos of each day of the week by Justin Taylor.

Two things jumped out at me about our amazing Lord as I read the opening few verses of the account of the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem when Jesus is presented as Israel’s King (Matthew 21:1-11, 14-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19) 

  1. You see the Lord’s amazing omniscience (all-knowing): When Jesus sent two of His disciples on an errand into Bethpage to get what He needed to make His entrance into Jerusalem possible, He knew precisely in advance they would find “a colt tied there, on which no one has ever sat; untie it and bring it here” (Mark 11:2). Wasn’t this just prearranged by Jesus? Did Jesus prearrange the coin to be in a fish that He told Peter to catch and bring back to Him?

  2. You see the Lord’s amazing omnipotence (all-powerful): Jesus always has everything under control. He told His disciples that if anyone asks why you are doing this, just tell them “The Lord has need of it and immediately he will send it back here” (Mark 11:3). Notice that Jesus calls Himself “Lord” and commands what will be happening when they arrive. Think about this: This little colt was unridden, unbroken, yet on Jesus’ first ride, this colt was tamed! That’s good news for you and me. If Jesus can tame a donkey in one ride, He can tame you and me and overcome our sin that made us wild and destructive.

What happened? Everything turned out exactly as the Lord predicted. This fulfilled prophecy about the colt (see Matt. 21:4-5; Zech. 9:9) and the exact day it took place (Daniel 9:24-26: Sunday, Nisan 10 which was March 30, A.D. 33 according to Harold Hohner’s calculations). 

This is only the start of an incredible week of celebrating the sovereignly planned sacrifice that paid your unpayable debt and mine.

What an amazing Savior we have and this next week we get to commemorate this historic and victorious event that has no comparison.

I can’t wait.

Pastor Jeff


Always Hopeful!

