Our Team > Gwen Foyle
Gwen Foyle
Administrative Assistant
Gwen was born and grew up in Corona, CA. After her youngest sister graduated from high school, the family felt that the Lord was closing many doors in their lives in California. In 2014, after being at summer camp, Gwen and her sister asked their parents if they could move to Washington. After praying about it and doing some research, the Lord swiftly opened and closed all the appropriate doors, and within six months, they were residents of Washington!
Gwen was blessed to grow up in a strong Christian home but found herself riding the coattails of her parents’ faith. At the end of high school, she started walking away from her faith and was absent from the Lord for many years. She attended church on and off during those years but struggled to understand how it applied to her and what that meant for her life. Around three and a half years ago, she felt a strong calling from the Lord to return to His flock. He saw fit to rescue her out of a dark place and brought her back into His embrace. Since then, she has been pursuing her own personal relationship with Him, and she rejoices daily in His love and mercy for her.
She started attending CCFW in 2019, and is often found serving and ministering in a hospitality setting. This is her favorite way to serve, but she has also been praying that the Lord will reveal new ways for her to serve Him.
The Bible, anything by C.S. Lewis, The Lord of the Rings, and anything by Jane Austen are all favorite books of hers. When not serving at church, you might find her playing ultimate disc, bowling, decorating, baking, snuggling with her dog, or being with people.