Our Team > Hayden Crisostomo
Hayden Crisostomo
Student Ministry - Middle School Director
Hayden was born in Federal Way, WA, and serves as a Ministry Intern at CCFW. He graduated from Highline Community College with an Associate of Science degree and is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Washington.
Growing up in a gospel-believing family, Hayden attended Awana and VBS and initially viewed faith as a way to avoid hell. At age 15, during a Fusion mission trip, he re-dedicated his life to Christ, discovering a new hope and purpose in glorifying and serving Him. This commitment has led him to serve as a middle school leader in youth group and Awana, a worship leader for the main services, and a contributor to various church ministries.
Hayden has been attending CCFW since 2002 and is deeply involved in Awana, Youth Group, Worship, Young Adults Ministry, and Fusion Federal Way. He is passionate about leading worship and enjoys working with middle school students.
In his free time, Hayden reads Cells at Work manga and vintage Godzilla comics, practices programming on LeetCode, plays bass and acoustic guitar, shoots a recurve bow, and builds large Lego structures. One of his favorite childhood memories is crabbing at Fort Flagler, and his preferred PNW getaway is Birch Bay.