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Max Dalrymple
Student & Young Adults Ministry Director
Max Dalrymple was born in Auburn, Washington, and has attended Christ’s Church since he was born. He came on staff in 2018. He recently earned his Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Washington in Tacoma.
His ministry passion is working in student ministries because middle and high school were transformational seasons in his life where he began to fall in love with the Lord and make his faith his own. His favorite part about youth ministry is seeing students move from knowing a lot of information about Jesus to knowing Him personally and walking with Him daily in a loving relationship.
His own personal testimony has influenced his ministry. “[I'd] heard the gospel about how Jesus loves me and died on the cross for my sins many times throughout the course of my life. However, even though I was probably saved at an early age, it wasn't until high school that God hit me over the head by showing me how sinful I truly was and that I actually needed Jesus to save me. [Up] to that point in my life, I had always intellectually accepted that Romans 6:23, which says that the wages of sin is death, was true, but I never really believed that I was personally deserving of an eternity in hell for the way that I had sinned against the eternal God of the universe. However, once I realized that all of my sin was solely my fault and that I truly was deserving of hell, then the love of Christ became all the more precious, merciful, and incredible to me. Romans 5:8 says that God demonstrates His love for us in that, while we were STILL SINNERS, Christ died for us. Once I realized the weight of my sin, the reality of the weight of God's amazing grace became that much bigger to me. Thus, although I still sin every day and continue to discover how sinful I truly am, Christ has been continually changing me and helping me to love like He does more and more each day. I will never be perfect until the day He calls me home, but for the time being, He is daily helping me overcome the sins of pride, greed, and deception in my life. I still fall, but when I do, 1 John 1:9 tells me He forgives me when I confess my sins to Him, and He is always there to catch me because of His sacrifice on the cross which has cast my sin as far as the east is from the west.”
In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, playing music, Ultimate Frisbee, and watching the Mariners win. His favorite Pacific Northwest getaways are Spokane or the mountains.
His favorite books are the Bible (especially Psalms and Ephesians), Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, Jesus>Religion by Jefferson Bethke, and Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson.