When the Hard Conversation is Necessary
April 5, 2017 by Kevin Carson

People struggle. In the process of life, you get caught in a relationship mess for one reason or another. Many times in the home, in friendships, in churches, and at work, hard conversations are necessary. In those moments, how do you confront? How do you handle that conversation?

Paul Tripp, in his classic work War of Words, suggests using the acrostic ENCOURAGE to guide you through the tough moment of confrontation.”


Curse or Consecrate: Two Ways for Christians to View Conflict
January 27, 2007 by Ken Sande

“How I Got Involved

One of my earliest insights into this dichotomy occurred just before I graduated from law school. After three years of legal study, I realized that I had little desire to practice law. My first love was still engineering, and I missed the problem-solving challenges of my original profession. In addition, I had come to realize that the adversarial legal system brought out my worst characteristics, including pride, aggressiveness, and a compelling desire to win arguments. I had a growing fear that if I spent much time in the legal system, this side of my personality would grow even worse.”


When Others Do You Wrong
August 19, 2014 by Nathan Busenitz

When other people treat us badly, or backstab us, or wrongly speak ill of us, how are we to respond?

Jeremiah Burroughs, in The Rare Jewel of Contentment, answers that question by reminding us that, even when others mistreat us, it is no excuse for growing anxious, angry, or discontent.

He says this….”


Reconciliation: Who Will Make the First Move?
July 30, 2013 by Ernie Baker

I have the privilege of being involved in mediations and get to see people who were previously angry and hurt by one another become reconciled. It is beautiful to see the truths and the amazing power of the Gospel worked out in broken relationships. How does this happen?”


Rescuing the Drowning Marriage
2003 by Stuart Scott

Counseling Couples Resource


The War Within: Galations 5:16-18
March 20, 2013 by Jim Newheiser

“One of the greatest privileges of my life is the weekly opportunity I have to preach consecutively through the Scriptures from the pulpit of our church. In addition to the good this does to my own soul, the detailed exposition of the Word equips me to counsel others. I often find myself going to texts I have recently preached when addressing the problems of my counselees.”


Biblically Resolving Conflict in Relationships
February 13, 2013 by Garrett Higbee

“When it comes to conflict in relationships, Ken Sande says there are really only three kinds of people: peace-fakers, peace-breakers and peace-makers.

Peace-breakers are prideful and power up. If they don’t get their way, they blow up, escalating conflict like gas on a flickering flame.”




