Ten Things to do During Suffering
March 25, 2014 by Ed Welch

“We will all suffer, of that there is no doubt. It is strange, then, that we are often unprepared for it. With that in mind, a useful exercise is to summarize Scripture and identify what words of God can guide us when things are hard.”


You are Not Alone
June 27, 2013 by Matt Johnson

“Blown it recently? Me too. Done or said things you wish you could take back? Check. Family relationships strained? Yup. On the lighter side, maybe you’ve added a few more pounds to the scale? Overdrawn your account? Again? Maybe it’s not something you did, but something you received, like bad news after a doctor’s visit.”


Powlison: 5 Questions to Ask When You Are Suffering
June 12, 2019 by Justin Taylor

“When he engages your suffering, the all-wise God typically creates a dynamic interplay of five questions.

  1. What hardship are you facing?

  2. What life-giving word from him speaks to you?

  3. What input do wise friends give you?

  4. How can you honestly wrestle your way toward trusting him?

  5. What should you do next?

. . . Walk this through for yourself.”


The Devil you Know
July 29, 2019 by Clint Archer

“Nineteen-year-old David Playdell-Bouverie was from a prestigious family in Britain and came to Africa in 1999 in search of adventure. He toured Zimbabwe for six months and signed up for a safari through the Matusadona National Park on the shores of Lake Kariba. The group used Land Rovers to navigate the terrain, but frequently went out on foot, in search for game, and they slept in tents under the African sky.”




