Take the Tell Someone Summer Challenge

School is almost out; the sun is almost ready to stay out, and people all around us will be outside hiking, cycling, picnicking, working in their lawns and gardens, visiting parks, playing at the beaches, walking on the sidewalks, just enjoying the great Pacific Northwest. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect.

As we begin to see more and more people, this gives us another great opportunity to plant some gospel seeds this summer.

Are you ready? Are you willing? Are you looking? Would you like to take the summer challenge?

  1. Pray daily for your burden for the lost and for gospel eyes and opportunities to connect with people and plant some seeds.

  2. Plant at least one seed every week this summer. Here’s a few ways to consider:

  • Ask a friend to read one of our gospel tracts and to share their feedback (we have a variety of tracts in the foyer of the Worship Center available to use).

  • Invite over some neighbors or friends you’ve been praying for and look for opportunities to transition your conversation toward gospel topics.

  • Ask some questions about current events to those in your sphere of influence that invite discussion.

  • Invite a family with younger children to come to our Kids Town Camp week (July 9-13).

  • Invite some friends to church or to our all-church picnic on August 12.

  • Pray for an unbeliever who shares a need they are struggling with.

  • Start a Christianity 101-type Bible study in your neighborhood and invite some of your neighbors.

What other ideas can you think of for planting some seeds???

Read this excellent and helpful article on Christian hospitality and outreach by Rosario Butterfield: Christian Hospitality is Radically Different.

Be part of the 36% group: Read this chilling article about how 64% of Christians now believe sharing faith is optional: Sharing Faith is Increasingly Optional to Christians.

Remember Proverbs 11:30 – “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls."

Taking the Challenge With You,
Pastor Jeff


Tips for Telling Someone the Gospel


Tell Someone Check-Up: How’s It Going?