Achan’s Sin, Defeat of Ai (Joshua 7, 8)

Read & Discuss

Opossums can “play dead” when a predator attacks. The body goes limp, tongue hangs out, and a stinky odor releases smelling like death happened days earlier. That’s a real stinky situation! The Israelites suffered and many died, because Achan did not follow God’s instructions. Once Achan was punished, God promised Joshua victory over the city of Ai. Joshua and his men pretended to be defeated and ran, but it was a trap leading to victory. We too are in a stinky situation. Our sin brings us deadly consequences. But Jesus took our place on the cross, dying to pay the price for our sin. Trust in Jesus and receive forgiveness for your sins!


As a family, choose four sins that often people hide (lying, being jealous, etc.) and write one sin per 3x5 card. Kids close eyes and the cards are hidden, but not impossible to find. As cards are found, talk about Achan hiding his sin, how God sees every sin and must punish it, yet God forgives all who confess their sins and believe in Jesus.

Memory Verse

Take one 3x5 card each day and write out Psalm 24:8. “Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”


Praise God for His mercy when we sin. Ask God to help you flee sin and to obey Him in the areas where you struggle. The Bible shows us how to please God, and how to say ‘no’ to sin.


Reluctant to Forgive


Notable Quotes