Readiness For Sunday Worship
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Readiness For Sunday Worship

Have you ever taken the time to think about your readiness when gathering together with God’s people in worship on Sunday?
When I was growing up, after dinner every Saturday night, my parents had us lay out our clothes for Sunday, bathe or shower, and go to bed a bit earlier so we would be ready and energized Sunday morning when we climbed into our station wagon (remember those?) and drove to church. My point is we had a plan for readiness on Sunday because it was an important day for our family. We would get our mind, body, and spirit ready to give our best to the Lord and with His people (and I might add, we were never late).

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Why Read the Bible
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Why Read the Bible

There are many reasons to make a commitment to read your Bible regularly and there’s no better time to start than at the beginning of a new year.

God is all-knowing, all-wise, all-truth, and all-good, so what He says is authoritative, accurate, supernatural, sufficient, and indispensable for our lives. Here are just a few of the many benefits of reading God’s Word:

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Don’t Miss Christmas
Thursday Loop Email Teresa George Thursday Loop Email Teresa George

Don’t Miss Christmas

It seems very strange that the world would hold such an elaborate and enormous birthday party and then totally miss the very Person it is being held in honor of, yet this is what happens every year. However, missing Christmas is not a modern-day phenomenon as you could trace it back to the very first Christmas.

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Destressing Christmas
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Destressing Christmas

I’m guessing that I don’t really need to establish the fact that Christmas season brings an elevated level of stress to all of us. With all the family and friend gatherings, decorations, shopping, budgets, gift-giving, schedules, and perhaps difficult family dynamics, there’s enough stress to go around for everyone. In fact, I just read that 89% of U.S. adults experience stress during the holidays, and 41% say their stress levels are higher than other times of the year (American Psychological Association Survey).

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Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.