S.U.M.M.E.R.T.I.M.E. Tips
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

S.U.M.M.E.R.T.I.M.E. Tips

We are all hoping (at least I am) for the beautiful sun to break out soon and give us some consecutive days to enjoy the summer together with our families, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. As you think about your summer plans, I’d like to share a few summertime tips.

Solomon tells us “there is an appointed time for everything…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) and we all enjoy the summertime to get some extra time to relax, refresh, and enjoy an outdoor season of life.

Here are a few S.U.M.M.E.R.T.I.M.E. tips:

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Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead


I was fourteen years old in 1973 when I attended my first Basic Youth Conflicts seminar in the Seattle Key Arena with about 20,000 other people. The seminar was led by Bill Gothard, a clean-cut, mild-mannered, soft-spoken graduate of Wheaton College who was able to command the attention of middle-schoolers to Seniors. He had strong convictions and addressed all kinds of topics with a combination of Scripture, some psychology, and common sense. At that time in my life, it gave me a lot to think about as a younger believer even if there was some justifiable criticism regarding a few aspects of the teaching.

My point in sharing this story is to note one of the most memorable things that came out of this seminar for me. It was a clever idea about designing a lapel pin that everyone was given to wear.

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Our Defensible Faith
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Our Defensible Faith

Christianity is uniquely a defensible faith with clear, rational, and compelling evidence. God has instructed all believers to “sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).

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How to Preach Jesus
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

How to Preach Jesus

God has not left us in the dark about how we communicate the most life-changing, destiny-determining, soul-inspiring, truth-proclaiming, joy-generating, hope-assuring, and hell-defying message of the gospel.

We tend to rely upon strategies and practical how-to’s (which are helpful), but God typically provides foundational truths and practices that allow His power to be put on public display.

This week, from Colossians 4:2–6 we learned three practical truths about God’s strategy for preaching Jesus:

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Preach What About Jesus?
Thursday Loop Email Jim Low Thursday Loop Email Jim Low

Preach What About Jesus?

Whatever we preach, it better be the right message (the gospel) about the right Person (Jesus Christ) as it will determine your eternal destiny. Believing in the wrong message will leave you “accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9) and in the wrong Person will leave you “deceived” (2 Corinthians 11:2-4).

We must preach the only good news story about Jesus Christ that exists since it is the only message that can forgive the sin that condemns everyone to death (Romans 6:23 - physically, spiritually, eternally).

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Ask Questions – Strategic Questions – More Questions
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Ask Questions – Strategic Questions – More Questions

Do you feel like you're walking around on eggshells these days when it comes to engaging people in our mission field?

People seem to be on edge or unnerved about everyday interactions. People tend to be quiet, look down, or look away when you walk by them. Maybe it’s all the noise of outrage, protest, restrictions, or the fear of cancel culture.

How can we open the door to some interaction that could lead to planting some gospel seeds of truth?

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Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.