Preach What About Jesus?
Whatever we preach, it better be the right message (the gospel) about the right Person (Jesus Christ) as it will determine your eternal destiny. Believing in the wrong message will leave you “accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9) and in the wrong Person “deceived” (2 Corinthians 11:2-4).
We must preach the only good news story about Jesus Christ that exists since it is the only message that can forgive the sin that condemns everyone to death (Romans 6:23 - physically, spiritually, eternally).
Preach that God made the first move. He is the Creator of everything and He created everything good. He also created our first parents, Adam and Eve. God is also the Rule-maker. He determined what was right and wrong and His laws were designed for our protection and benefit and for His glory and honor as the only One worthy to be loved, worshipped, and obeyed.
Preach that Man made the next move. Adam and Eve broke God’s law and dishonored God. This rebellion introduced a new problem, a predicament, and led to a grave penalty. Adam and Eve’s sin created a ripple effect as their descendants (the human race) were born sinners who found themselves in an impossible predicament. Nothing or nobody could exonerate themselves from the curse of sin and this led to a harsh penalty (death: physical, spiritual, and eternal—Romans 6:23).
Preach that Jesus Christ made the ultimate move. God sent His only begotten Son to be the acceptable sacrifice for our sins. He is the perfect God-Man (He was God in human form and He never sinned).
This is where religion messes it all up. Islam says Jesus is not God’s Son, but a human prophet who heralded the coming of Mohammad and didn’t die on the cross. Judaism says Jesus was not the Messiah, but He was Mary’s son, well respected, a miracle-worker, died on the cross, but did not rise from the dead. Buddhism says Jesus was an enlightened man and wise teacher, but not divine. Hinduism describes Jesus as one of 330 million gods, a holy man, wise teacher, a self-realized example. Jehovah Witnesses describe Jesus as Michael the Archangel and say He died on a stake. Mormonism believes Jesus is the firstborn spirit child of the heavenly Father and heavenly mother, the spirit brother of Lucifer, a god, born of a virgin, died for us and rose again.
The true message is Jesus is the Lord God, and He is the Savior who gave His life for us. He paid for our sin and became a curse for us.
The good news is NOT that Jesus came to make poor people wealthy, sad people happy, or insecure people self-confident. No, the gospel IS about Jesus making dead people live (John 5:24), wicked people righteous (Matt 9:13), enemies His friends (Rom 5:10), condemned people acquitted (Rom. 8:1), orphaned people adopted (Gal. 4:5), enslaved people set free (John 8:36), terminally sick people well (1 Pet. 2:24), and guilty people forgiven (Eph. 1:7).
Preach that Now it’s YOUR move. How will your respond to the good news? What are you and I as sinners called to do? How can we experience the good news of forgiveness which overcomes the bad news of our condemnation in sin?
Turn from your sins. This is what Jesus called repentance (Luke 13:3). It is turning away from sin and running toward Jesus.
Trust in Jesus Christ alone for eternal forgiveness and eternal life. This is faith. It involves an acknowledgement that Jesus claimed He is the only Savior and Lord, an affirmation that His claim is true, and then an activation of total dependance upon Him as my personal Lord and Savior (Rom.10:9-10).
This is the true gospel that rescues dead, guilty sinners like you and me. This is the ultimate message our families, relatives, neighbors, friends, teammates, schoolmates, co-workers, work-out buddies, and strangers so desperately need to experience newness of life.
Let’s get it right for God’s glory and people’s eternal destiny!
I love how Mercy Me sings it—Best News Ever
Pastor Jeff