Let's Pause and Remember
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Let's Pause and Remember

All too often it seems the Christmas season is a blur. It comes and goes so quickly, doesn’t it?

It’s not the American way, but let’s slow down, be still, take time to reflect, and let it really sink in—the real meaning and message of Christmas. We heard it once again on Sunday:

Jesus emptied Himself.He took on human flesh.He became a servant. He humbled himself.He obeyed to the point of death on a cross.

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What if Jesus Hadn’t Come
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

What if Jesus Hadn’t Come

Dear Church Family, I believe I speak for all the staff and elders when I pray that during this Christmas season and at all times God would enable you to treasure His incarnate and risen Son above all else.Have you ever asked yourself what would be different if Jesus had never been born? If Jesus had not come in the fullness of time and been born of a woman and fulfilled the law, there would be no Bethlehem and this staff photo would not be possible.If Jesus had not been born

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Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead


Who [Jesus], being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! || Philippians 2:6–8

Kenosis is a Greek word meaning “emptiness” or “to empty.” It is the word that theologians use to describe verse 7 when Jesus “makes himself nothing” or “empties himself” by taking on the nature of a slave/servant. Jesus maintains His deity, but somehow empties Himself? Because of this, people continue to ask questions like “what did Jesus know,” “what did he learn,” and “could Jesus walk on water as a boy?” These questions might be fun to debate, but they miss the point of the kenosis.

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Ask the Ten
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Ask the Ten

Donald S. Whitney, professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, posed 10 great questions we can ask ourselves as we prepare to exit one year and walk into another.

I suggest you answer the following questions and share your responses with your spouse or family or a good friend or someone in your small group or Bible study. Then ask them to pray for the implementation of your responses in a way that honors the Lord and blesses others around you.

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Giving God our Best
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Giving God our Best

Pastor Chuck Swindoll made the following observation about our culture: “Mediocrity is fast becoming the by-word of our times. Every imaginable excuse is now used to make it acceptable, hopefully preferred.” Those words were penned in 1987 and are as relevant today as they have ever been.

What has happened to our commitment to excellence? Is the status quo now the new acceptable standard? Is the small stuff nothing really to sweat about? Are we now willing to swim with the current and float downstream? Is it okay to just get by with a half-hearted commitment?

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Christmas Messaging
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Christmas Messaging

According to a legend, Satan and his demons were having a Christmas party. As the demonic guests were departing, one grinned and said to Satan, “Merry Christmas, your majesty.” At that, Satan replied with a growl, “Yes, keep it merry. If they ever get serious about it, we’ll all be in trouble.”

The word “merry” is not necessarily antithetical to being serious about the real message of Christmas.

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Transcendent Joy
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Transcendent Joy

I read an article this week by Pastor Al Gooderham in Doncaster, England. In it he said “Every Christmas party, every overindulgence, every gift, every exorbitant preparation is a sign of a desperate search for joy. It is a sign of longing for significance and a desire to bring joy to others or to find joy for themselves where they can because life is in short supply of it.”

Christmas has always been a season of joy whether it’s captured in the lights, decorations, gatherings, gifts, food, drinks, parties, or songs. We often hear the words, “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy Holidays,” along with all the songs “'tis the season to be jolly,” “have yourself a merry little Christmas,” or “joy to the world,” among many others.

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Christmas Means
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Christmas Means

One of my favorite quotes around Christmas is this: “Without Christmas, Easter is impossible. Without Easter, Christmas is meaningless.” Both are essential to the meaning, hope, and experience of our Christian life, yet our Lord’s incarnation unfolded the amazing salvation plan of God.

God said it this way: “For the grace of God appeared (Jesus Christ) bringing salvation to all men” (Titus 2:11).

As you ponder the meaning of Christmas this year, I have always benefited from this profound poem that Larry Farthing wrote called “Christmas means.…” Let its truths marinate in your heart.

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Christmas Stress Relief
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Christmas Stress Relief

Over the last nine months, we have been treated to the indignities of COVID: uncertainty, fear, anxiety, sickness, death, mandates, shutdowns, and shortages. We’re used to the toilet paper shortages, but now it’s antacids. COVID has taken a toll on the physical and mental health of many and the rising use of medications to treat depression, insomnia, and anxiety (up 15-34 percent before the current wave) along with binge drinking (up 20 percent) is disturbing.

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Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.