Famous Fibs
Famous American Fibs
The check is in the mail.
I’ll start my diet tomorrow.
One size fits all.
I only need a few minutes of your time.
Your luggage isn’t lost; it’s only temporarily misplaced.
Famous Church Fibs
We’ll be praying for you.
God told me…
A great number of people are upset about…
I just can’t serve right now.
Let me pray about it and get back to you.
Famous Worldview Fibs
Life is random, so nobody x nothing = everything.
Truth is relative, so nothing is objective and your truth claim is equally valid.
Man is basically good, so I’m OK and you’re OK. Befriend a terrorist.
You can change your own life, so roll up your sleeves and engage your will power.
The most important thing in life is to be fulfilled, so don’t worry about worshipping God.
Have you believed or uttered any of these fibs?
Remember this: We read in “the word of truth” (Bible-Jn. 17:17) that our “God of truth” (Ps. 31:5) “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4), so He sent His Son who said, “I am the truth” (Jn. 14:6), to rescue unbelievers, “who suppress the truth” (Rom. 1:18), with the gospel “message of truth” (Col 1:5) by the power of “the Spirit of truth” (Jn 14:17) who places us into “the pillar and support of the truth” (church-1 Tim. 3:15), so we can worship the Lord “in spirit and truth” (Jn. 4:24).
Christianity is all about truth, not fibs. There is “no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (3 Jn 4).
Pastor Jeff