Family Worship - Abram Follwed God (Genesis 11:27-13:18)
Read & Discuss
If you were choosing one person to start your sports team, you’d likely choose a talented person, not the kind of person that would sit on the bench and never play. God chose Abram and promised to make his family as many as the stars in the sky. Abram was very old and didn’t have any children. Doesn’t Abram seem like an odd choice? But God’s plan didn’t depend on Abram’s ability. God’s plans do not fail because what He says, He will do. God gave Abram and Sarai a son when they were almost 100 years old! Through that son, God built a nation, His chosen people Israel, from which as God promised, Jesus was born. God keeps His promises like in 1 John 1:9. (Choose someone to read it.)
On a clear night, challenge the family to count as many stars as they can. Then talk about God’s promise to give Abram as many descendants as the stars in the sky. Remind that this promise was ultimately fulfilled when Jesus, born in the family line of Abram, came to offer forgiveness and salvation to anyone who believes in Him.
Memory Verse
Memorize Psalm 100:5. “For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” In what ways has God been faithful to you?
Praise God for His promise to be with you wherever you go (Read Hebrews 13:5). What are you needing to trust God about? Ask God to help you trust Him, even when things are hard or seem impossible.