Take a Walk with Jesus This Next Week

Have you ever taken a chronological walk with Jesus through the last week of His earthly life before He died His saving death and rose to give us His revolutionary eternal life? 

Download the chronological guide below that will take you through the passion week that begins on Sunday and chronicles a harmony of the gospels reveal about our Lord’s last week culminating in His death, burial, and resurrection.

The exact dates are debated, but I liked and used much of Peter L. Smith’s harmony of the gospel that he developed from his own study and examining how a number of respected scholars handled the harmony of this holy week (Harold W. Hoehner; Darrel L. Bock, Andreas Kostenberger). His dates provide the Galilean (sunrise to sunrise day), Judean (sunset to sunset day), and modern (Gregorian) dating systems.
Read through the events of each day and watch how our Savior interacted with people and moved toward the cross to give us our incomparable deliverance.
Pastor Jeff

Able to sin (in Eden). Unable to not sin (in fall). Enabled to not sin (in Christ). Unable to sin (in the resurrection)
— – Tony Reinke (Author, Host of Ask Pastor John, Senior Teacher for Desiring God)

What the Resurrection Proves about Jesus


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