Jacob Fled From Canaan (Genesis 28, 32)
Read & Discuss
The tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa, Dubai) stands at 2,717 feet. There are 2,909 stairs from the bottom to top – surely the world’s longest stairwell! While Jacob slept, he saw a stairwell from earth to heaven, and he heard God repeat His promise made to Abraham and Isaac. God desires to be with His children and through Jesus, God’s only Son, whoever believes in Him can have a loving relationship with God forever, for eternity.
Give Thanks
Gather scraps of colored paper and rip into small pieces about the size of a quarter. As a family, work together and create a piece of mosaic art. Make a cross, or your last name, or the word “Promise” with the pieces. Remember that God faithfully keeps His promises even when we mess up.
Memory Verse
To memorize Genesis 50:20, write the words or phrases on separate sheets of paper. Place them on the stairs or a path your family uses and practice memorizing the words in order: “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”
Ask God to make you aware of His presence as you go through your day. How can we depend on Him for help in our day? Pray for confidence to trust God in each circumstance, even when difficult.