Jesus Only Jesus
With all the angst and tension and partisanship we see and feel in our culture today and even to some extent in the church, what do we do?
Quit? Hide out? Ride the roller coaster of emotion? Give up?
None of the Above.
I ran across an old hymn (1891) written by the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, A.B. Simpson, that describes what we should do. It’s simply entitled “Himself.”
Once it was the blessing, now it is the Lord;
Once it was the feeling, now it is His Word;
Once His gifts I wanted, now the Giver own;
Once I sought for healing, now Himself alone.
Once ‘twas painful trying, now ‘tis perfect trust;
Once a half salvation, now the uttermost;
Once ‘twas ceaseless holding, now He holds me fast;
Once ‘twas constant drifting, now my anchor’s rest.
Once ‘twas busy planning, now ‘tis trustful prayer;
Once ‘twas anxious caring, now He has the care;
Once ‘twas what I wanted, now what Jesus says;
Once ‘twas constant asking, now ‘tis ceaseless praise.
Once it was my working, His it hence shall be;
Once I tried to use Him, now He uses me;
Once the power I wanted, now the Mighty One;
Once for self I labored, now for Him alone.
Once I hoped in Jesus, now I know He’s mine;
Once my lamps were dying, now they brightly shine;
Once for death I waited, Now His coming hail;
And my hopes are anchored safe within the veil.
The answer for every sin or struggle or shortcoming or stress or strife is ever and always Jesus.
Many Scripture references point this truth out, so let me share one that summarizes it best for me: “Christ is all” (Colossians 3:11).
He is the answer to your question and the solution to your problem. He is the cure for your sickness and the comfort for your woes. He is the peace for your stress and the hope for your future.
Know Him. Love Him. Serve Him. Praise Him. Submit to Him. Share Him.
Beyond the many Scriptures that keep us all anchored in reality, here are a few (of many) songs that champion “Christ is all.”
My Jesus, I Love Thee (Anthem Lights)
Only Jesus (Casting Crowns)
Before the Throne of God Above (Sovereign Grace feat. Kristyn Getty)
Pastor Jeff