Response to Washington State’s New Mask Directive
In light of the Governor’s new masking directive, we are encouraging our church family to honor the Lord by observing this guidance.
We recognize some will not be able to wear masks due to health concerns and others may have faith convictions about the limitations of the state to regulate church life and ministry.
We are thankful the directive allows us to “operate at full capacity and regular hours, with no physical distancing requirements.”
We are also thankful that masks are not required “at a small indoor gathering in a private residence.” This allows our small groups (Life Groups, Flourish Groups, Ministry meetings, etc.) to continue to meet with no restrictions except our commitment to love and care for one another.
As we seek to honor our governing authorities, let’s display grace, love, and tolerance toward one another as we diligently “preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
If you have any questions, please contact one of our Elders or Pastors.