The God Who Delivers

Article by John Piper:  Christ Suffered and Died to Deliver Us from the Present Evil

Prayer: Our Father, we acknowledge that our life brings us many trials and afflictions. We’re thankful that we can come to You with all prayer and supplication and thanksgiving, to lay our requests before You, to have hope and to find peace. We needn’t become anxious because You have consistently proved Yourself faithful in times past. We have the examples from all of the Old Testament history as we learn how You have delivered so many others from much more frightening and fearful trials than we will encounter. You hear our prayers and answer them through either delay, denial, or deliverance, and we must trust in Your perfect method and Your perfect timing because You know what is best for us and You are for us, not against us. So protect us from the evils of the day. We thank You in advance, in Christ’s name. Amen!


The Peace of Christ


Redeeming the Time