The Goodness of Jesus

Song: The Goodness of Jesus | City A-light  

Father, we love You and desire that the peace that surpasses all understanding would be ours in Christ Jesus, and that it would guard our hearts and minds during this time. We thank You, Father, for Your goodness and faithfulness to us, and how You have shown that to us through Your word and those that have gone before us. We trust that Your Goodness is working all things for our Good and for Your Glory.   Empower us, Holy Spirit, to dwell on that which is true, that which is honorable and just and pure, that which is lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of Praise. Forgive us, Father, for choosing cheap entertainment that chases after our sinful desires, thinking that in some way it will bring the peace that only You can promise. Thank You that Your Son has paid the ransom for our sinful souls. Thank You that we can come into Your presence where we can find mercies that are new every morning and pleasures that are everlasting. Oh Father, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. We desire to dwell in Your presence and know Your peace today. May The Goodness Of JESUS be ever before us. In His precious name we pray. Amen!  


Prince of Peace


Lord Always Before Me