The Sufficiency of Scripture

The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture isn’t just under attack in our churches, campus lecture halls, conferences, or in the workplace. It is also under attack every day in our hearts when we fail to take God at His word, when we turn to other things, or when we trust in man-centered reasoning instead of seeking to find our refuge and strength in His all-sufficient Word. Scripture speaks of being enough (capacity) and having the means to accomplish that which God has intended it to accomplish. First, it is intended to be the means through which we can be saved (Romans 10:17), "Faith comes through hearing and hearing from the Word of God." Second, and this was the focus of our time together on Sunday, it is the means through which we can be made righteous or sanctified (1 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:3).

There are six transforming powers found in Psalm 19:7-11 and each of them has a unique contribution to make. Each line has a distinct title, descriptive quality, and desired effect. Each aspect of this passage is a treasure mine of resources for our souls and helps us connect this doctrine practically to our lives. The Scriptures: Restore the Soul, Make Wise the Simple, Rejoice the Heart, Enlighten the Eyes, Endure Forever, and are Righteous. What an amazing blessing is found when we take God at His word!

The call made Sunday was that we as a church have not prioritized God's Word as we should in our lives. This is not just a general call but a call to you and to me. We do not read it enough, memorize it enough, value it enough, prioritize it enough, trust it enough…and the list goes on and on. I certainly desire these things and contend for them earnestly, as I pray you do as well. Don’t miss the admonition and the exhortation in that because your feelings may be hurt. God knows your heart. He knows if this is your desire, and He is honored and glorified in that. None of us does it perfectly and we can all grow in this regard. We desire to apply the Word daily and to encourage each other in these efforts all the more as we see His return drawing near. Praise God that we can contend earnestly for the faith together.

Allow God’s Word to have its rightful place in your heart and life, Church. Trust and obey. Humble yourself before the mighty hand of God, and fear His Word. Isaiah 66:2 says, "But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." Do you tremble at His word my friend? Has it become too commonplace or treated like it is one of many other resources in your life? I pray that this doctrine would not be one that we simply affirm, but that it would be one that we practice day by day and moment by moment.

Love you all, Church - Finish Well,
Stephen Janho




Finish Life Well