Work the 1212 Plan!

Life can be so topsy turvy. One moment you feel good, the next moment you don’t. One day it’s sunny and warm, the next it’s rainy and cold. One minute life seems so peaceful, then your preschool grandkids show up and share their sense of fun and freedom around the house (love those stinkers). Whether it’s a sickness, stress, weather, loss, disappointment, struggle, conflict, temptation, burden, busyness, or any other adversity that likes to rear its ugly head, I recommend the 1212 plan.
The 1212 plan is very simple, but takes some sanctified empowerment (which all believers have) to practice. This plan has three parts to it and it has a way of keeping your head in the right place and life on the right track. It has worked for me over and over again simply because it is God’s plan.
Here’s the 1212 plan: Open your Bibles and read Romans 12:12. It’s easy to remember. It’s only nine words, so memorize them. It communicates three vital practices: 

  1. rejoicing in hope”: Keep an eye on your glorious future. God’s hope is “sure and steadfast” and “an anchor of the soul” and will “not disappoint” (Heb. 6:19; Rom. 5:5). The best is yet to come with God!

  2. persevering in tribulation”: God reminds us of this often…”press on” (Phil. 3:12), “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim. 6:12), “run with the endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1). Jesus ran this race and He did it with joy in the face of many obstacles, and we are called to follow Him (Heb. 12:2) 

  3. devoted to prayer”: the word “devoted” is a word that means to be continually steadfast or persistent. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 sums it up best: “pray without ceasing” and calls us to live life with a constant God-consciousness that relates all of life to Him. Bring everything to Him whether good or bad. Praise Him. Thank Him. Cry out to Him about anything. Confess to Him. Bring others before Him. He’s listening, He cares. He is able. He answers.

This is just one of many powerful tools God has given us to live a life that works. It is pleasing to Him, blesses others, and keeps us on track.


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Examine Yourselves