A Letter to the Anxious Christian
November 14, 2014 by Kyle Borg

“Dear Mr. Anxious, Hello friend! I wanted to thank you for your letter. I must admit, however, that I was sorry to hear of your many burdensome anxieties. They are a load you were not meant to bear. You're not alone. The world is full of anxious people. I don't mean people who are anxious about the things of God--sin and temptation or the condition of their souls. If only we had more of that and less of worldly worry! No, we worry about all kinds of things—money and health, marriage and children, school and work, reputations and appearances, today and tomorrow; we worry about what we will eat and drink and wear—and on and on the list could go. In my own case, I must admit, every now and then anxiety hangs over my head like a dark shadow that seems all but impossible to escape.”


OCD and the Death of the Christian
July 31, 2014 by Jonathan Bowers

”For better or worse, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has tumbled into popular culture as a label for our uptight and detail-minded acquaintances. Many of us know someone who is OCD about his schedule or his budget or keeping his silverware neatly stacked. But clinically speaking, OCD extends beyond mere personality quirks to include mental and behavioral patterns that can lock arms in a vortex of bondage.”


Is Worry Making Us Sick?
December 02, 2015 by Tim Lane

“Statistics reveal that nearly 20% of people living in the United States will experience life debilitating anxiety annually. That is nearly 65 million people! In 2008, American physicians wrote more than 50 million prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications and more than 150 million prescriptions for antidepressants, many of which were used for anxiety-related conditions. It is no over-statement to say that we have a problem of epidemic proportions.”


5 Do’s and Don’ts for Social Anxiety
May 15, 2014 by Hayley Satrom

“Social anxiety. What is it exactly? Counselor Aaron Sironi defines social anxiety as “feeling nervous, fearful, and physically tense in situations that involve other people.” Social anxiety can be as mild as temporary shyness around other people, or as debilitating as intense fear of encountering others.”


Three ways to Conquer Worry
Nov 14, 2017 by Greg Laurie

“Have you ever been gripped by fear? You know the feeling. Your blood runs cold. A shiver races down your spine. Your mouth goes dry. The hair on your head stands up. It’s a terrifying feeling. Then along with fear comes worry. Of course, there are so many things to be worried about today: the state of our country, the economy, natural disasters, the threat of North Korea and terrorism. Recently one of the top Google searches was about the possibility of a World War III. There are a lot of things to be afraid of today.”


When Life is a Burden
September 26, 2019 by Samuel Stephens

“The Burdened Life after Genesis 3 has its fill of conflict, sorrow, pain, suffering, and troubles piled upon troubles. The Bible does not hide this reality. King David expresses a melody of vexation in Psalm 6:6-7.”


When I Worry
September 23, 2019 by Charles Hodges, M.D.

“Worry is a common problem these days. As a physician and a Biblical counselor, I regularly see people who come to counseling or the doctor’s office because they are struggling with worry or fear. They come hoping to find help with counseling, or medicine to calm their struggle.”


COVID-19: Anxious About Money?
April 9, 2020 by Ed Welch

“It’s the virus . . . and it’s the money.

Please don’t take that as indifference to the medical dangers. The dangers are real and threaten old and young alike. But money also lurks behind so much of our anxiety, and right now our money is under threat, too. The economy is in upheaval, retirement accounts are way down, family members are out of work and no work is in sight. And if it is true that most of us have an emergency fund of $500 or less, we are in trouble.”





Suicide: Resources for Hope & Help