Reliable & Trusted
for Growth in Christ

Between Women Pam Seymour Between Women Pam Seymour

On Fear and Anxiety

Growing up I was blessed to have very loving parents. I loved both my parents but relied mostly on my mother for comfort and security. I used to worry that when the day came for my mother to die, I wouldn’t be able to survive without her. When my mother passed away in 2011, I was able to accept her passing more than I expected mainly because I have a loving and caring husband. He has provided me with the comfort and security far beyond what I once had from my mother. But what about the Lord?

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Between Women Katrina Costales Between Women Katrina Costales

Taking Your Emotional Temperature

Emotions are difficult to navigate in this time of great uncertainty, change, and information. They are so strong and fear seems to be the inescapable environment that surrounds us as new information continually comes at us. God’s words, “Don’t be anxious” seem like an impossible burden rather than comfort. It is important to have a biblical understanding of emotions in order to navigate this time well.

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Between Women Jani Oldright Between Women Jani Oldright

Sisterhood: Answers for Times of Lonliness

When I came to Christ’s Church, I was lonely. I had been married for 39 years. We had three wonderful children married to great spouses the joy of being grandparents to five crazy active grandkids, BUT my mind was far, far away. I looked good on the outside, but I was lonely.

If you haven’t dealt with loneliness in your lifetime, there is a very good chance you will.

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