It’s Summer: Look Around and Engage

Summertime always seems to be a greater opportunity to engage in gospel conversations.

  • There’s more light.

  • There are more people out and about.

  • There are more relaxed environments.

  • People seem happier and more relational.

Ask Questions – Strategic Questions – More Questions

One of the best ways to transition conversations is to ask questions. People seem more willing to answer some good, caring, non-intrusive questions than to just engage in small talk, so prepare yourself with some key questions to ask in all kinds of settings.

Take a look at the following questions and then start looking for opportunities to ask and see where the conversation leads.

My favorite question (works 99% of the time) is: "Do you have any kind of faith background?" or "Did you grow up with a faith background?" Follow-up questions could include:

  • "How would you describe your overall faith experience?"

  • "Do you mind sharing what changed for you about faith?"

  • "Would you consider any kind of re-examination of faith?"

"Do you have much of a spiritual background?" Follow-up questions could include:

  • "Does your background have any impact on you now?"

  • "What people or beliefs have most shaped your life?"

  • "What’s most influenced you to come to your current conclusions?"

"How would you describe your spiritual journey?" Follow-up questions could include:

  • "What values and causes are you most passionate about? Why?"

  • "What gives meaning and purpose to your life?"

"What do you think about Jesus?" Follow-up questions could include:

  • "What have you heard about Christianity?"

  • "Are you a spiritual person?"

  • "Have you ever thought about God in your life before?"

If you’d like to explore more possible questions to ask, access the question resource here: Tips for Telling Someone the Gospel

Please share your experiences with us here (tell us your story). We’d love to hear about your experience and pray for you as requested.

Making opportunities to share,
Pastor Jeff


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