Make Your Step- Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful season when many unbelievers are more open to the idea of Jesus Christ and the church than at any other time of the year. It’s a great time to think about how to use opportunities to introduce others to the gospel message.

Here are three simple ways to connect others to the message of Christ:

1. Invite someone to a Christmas event or service with you.
Christmas events are excellent ways of engaging others with the true meaning of Christmas. Invite your guests out for a Christmas beverage and dessert afterward and talk about the event or service. Ask questions like “What did you think about the event (service)?” and “Tell me what you thought about the message that was shared,” or other questions that reveal their attitude toward faith and the gospel.

2. Give your unbelieving friends a gospel resource that will make them think about the message of Jesus Christ at Christmas. There are some great tools that can be given as gifts that become springboards for gospel conversations. Consider giving a resource to your friends and invite them to share their feedback with you.

Notice how this research highlights the openness and opportunity Christmas provides.

Here are some possible resources to share:

View Life in Six Words (5 minute spoken word presentation by Jason Petty).

Something Amazing (2 minute animated presentation of the gospel).

Falling Plates

Come, Let Us Adore Him by Paul Tripp (daily devotional): This collection of 31 daily devotional readings takes readers through every day of December, seeking to “reactivate” their awe and wonder at the Christmas story.

Send one of these links to your friends with a note that says something like, “I’d love for you to see this video as it explains the meaning of Christmas. Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a Merry Christmas” or “I’d love for you to join me in experiencing the story of Advent during this Christmas season and hearing what you think about it.”

3. Pray for your friends and God’s favor on your efforts and interactions with them.

We are praying for you as you continue with your commitment to "Tell Someone." Need a refresher? Revisit the messages online. And don't forget to share your stories with us.

Telling someone with you,
Pastor Jeff


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Make Your Step- Building Bridges