Make Your Step- Building Bridges

Our lives are full. Sometimes to the exclusion of building bridges with non-believers around us. Be proactive in looking for ways you can share hope with those who have no eternal hope.

Recently, a person who took the Tell Someone challenge went to visit a patient in the hospital. No one had visited him. His hospitalization brought him face to face with his mortality, and he sought her out to ask for spiritual support. She engaged in conversation with him, asked questions, didn't push an agenda but sought to understand his thought process and how he came to his conclusions.

He is out of the hospital, but as a result of her visits they are still conversing. He has not yet accepted Christ. In fact, a portion of their talk went like this: “'I think He {Jesus} might have had a screw loose, maybe.' He peered closely at me. Obviously, that was a leading comment to provoke a reaction. I shrugged. 'His family said the same thing. But in the end, they saw what He did, they heard what He said, and they were convinced.'"

Her gentle response has kept the thread alive. God opens the eyes of the heart and gives faith to believe. We can share God's words of truth to keep the conversation going.

How are you doing? Will you Tell Someone?

Find out more about making your next step on our Tell Someone web page. And please share your stories with us.



RightNow Media Resources: You will find some evangelism resources available to you through RightNow Media. Beginning January 29, our church family will have access to over 15,000 discipleship and leadership resources designed to equip families, resource groups, and develop leaders. Be watching your email for an invitation to join. Questions?

What’s Hindering You From Sharing the Gospel? | Read this excellent article “Four Reasons We Don’t Share the Gospel” by Steven Lee and be motivated and equipped to energize your gospel ministry commitment.

Gospel Resources Tables

Don’t forget to stop by our gospel resource tables in the lobby hallway and pick up a variety of resources to enhance your gospel ministry readiness.

Taking the next step with you,
Pastor Jeff


Make Your Step- Christmas


Make Your Step- Starting Gospel Conversations