Make Your Step- Starting Gospel Conversations

You took the "Tell Someone" challenge. You have the desire to share. Are you finding it difficult to get the conversation started? If you do, here's a few tips that may help you.

Read "Starting Gospel Conversations" by Mike Riccardi.

Ask the Lord to open your eyes to perceive opportunities through the four major themes of salvation (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation). Find a prayer partner to pray with and for these opportunities.

Listen for these themes in a conversation and use them to make a natural transition into the gospel.

Speak up when you see an opportunity (statements, questions, or offer prayer if a clear need is shared).

Report what happened to a friend (prayer partner) or your Life Group. We'd love to hear your story too!

Taking the "Next Move" with you,
Pastor Jeff


Make Your Step- Building Bridges


Make Your Step- Testimonies & Transitions