Is Prayer Your First Response?
September 16, 2014 by Joanne Kraft

“Emergency service people are called first responders. Their first response is to help. Police, fire fighters, and paramedics all race to respond when someone is in need. For many it comes naturally. For most, training is needed to be able to fly into action during an emergency. As a former police officer, my husband was trained to be a first responder.

As a Christian, I have a desire to speak to the Lord about things. But, like a paramedic, there’s training necessary before I learn to pray first in a situation. I have to make a conscious decision to do that. His Word is a great reminder.”


The Most Frightening Prayer I Could Pray for My Children
July 17, 2013 by Christina Fox

“The most frightening prayer I could pray for my children is the one they need the most.

Now, I always pray about their behavior, their health, their progress in school, and their friendships. I also pray about their future and their jobs. I pray that my boys would marry “nice Christian girls.” But to be honest, when I pray for my children, it is easiest to ask that their lives be smooth and stress-free. It is easy to pray for their comfort and ease, for their lives to be absent of pain and grief.”


Prayerlessness is Selfishness
May 13, 2013 by Tim Challies

“I have said it often and said it recently, that prayer has always been a struggle for me. It’s not that I don’t pray—I do!—but that I find it a battle to put my theology into action day-by-day and to live out my deepest convictions about prayer by actually praying. I experience little of the joy and sense of fulfillment that so many of the great pray-ers speak of. As often as not, I have to rely on the objective facts of what I believe about prayer more than any subjective feeling or sense of satisfaction.”


Take Every Task Captive Today
September 24, 2015 by Marshall Segal

“The most dangerous thing about tomorrow is the temptation to forget God, to live and talk and act as if God doesn’t exist. It’s the greatest danger any day: to live our daily lives — our daily habits, daily work, daily relationships — overestimating ourselves and overlooking God.”




