Pride is Your Greatest Problem
July 29, 2015 by Josh Squires

“We’re asked common questions when people find out what we do. Are you a plumber? Get ready to remotely troubleshoot a leaky faucet. A doctor? Get ready for a rundown of mysterious aches and pains.

For counselors, somewhere near the top of that list is the question, “What problems do you see most?” Depression, anxiety, anger, marital conflict all make the cut, but my top answer may surprise you. It’s pride.”


Who is The Greatest?
February 23, 2011 by Jon Bloom

“Selfish ambition is a sin that always seems to be “crouching at the door” (Genesis 4:7). It contaminates our motives for doing just about anything. It shows up even in the most holy moments, like it did for Jesus’ disciples in Luke’s account1 of the Last Supper. But Jesus aims to set us all free2 from the suicidal slavery of self-worship.”


Seven Subtle Symptoms of Pride
July 15, 2015 by Fabienne Harford

“Pride will kill you. Forever. Pride is the sin most likely to keep you from crying out for a Savior. Those who think they are well will not look for a doctor. As seriously dangerous as pride is, it’s equally hard to spot. When it comes to diagnosing our hearts, those of us who have the disease of pride have a challenging time identifying our sickness. Pride infects our eyesight, causing us to view ourselves through a lens that colors and distorts reality. Pride will paint even our ugliness in sin as beautiful and commendable.”


Laying the Gospel Over a Controlling Heart
May 16, 2016 by Lee Lewis

“Pride in the human heart longs for control, and there are many expressions of that control.  In its essence the controlling heart says, “I know better than God.”  Christians spend a lot of time looking for new and clever ways to deal with control when the gospel perfectly speaks to this issue.  In this short piece I want to briefly look at several manifestations of a controlling heart and how to lay the truths of the gospel over that foolish desire for control.”


Whether I Sink too Low or Soar Too High
June 14, 2019 by Tim Challies

“I studied diligently. I prayed fervently. I prepared purposefully. I stood before that crowd of people and did my best to preach God’s Word in a way that would be accurate and applicable. I preached my heart out. As the band took over and I left the stage, I would have said with a clear conscience that I had discharged my duty before God, that I had done my utmost to honor him and bless his people with the opportunity he had given me. I felt good. I felt blessed. It’s still a wonder to me that God ever gives me this privilege of opening his Word before his people.”


Never Be Wise in Your Own Eyes
November 24, 2019 by Marshall Segal

“Pride slowly, subtly, and quite surely endears us to ourselves. Often, the longer those close to us know us, the less remarkable or impressive we seem. Ironically, the opposite often rises in our own eyes. We can be prone to coddle and spoil our self-image.”




