Great Calm in the Storm

One Another Ministry at Christ’s Church (We Care)

Article: Navigating the Storms of Life, By Kevin Carson

Thirty Minute Video by R.C.Sproul, The Holiness of Christ

Prayer: Heavenly Father: Thank You so much for Jesus. Thank You for His death, burial, and resurrection. Lord, thank You for never leaving us, and always being right there with us in the storms You send our way. Lord, we confess that many times we forsake Your greatness, power, and authority. Please forgive us and strengthen our faith to know that great calm and peace are available and near us in the storms of life. We are so grateful to be able to have confident access to You at a moment’s notice. Lord, thank You for Your Church. It is such a blessing to be able to fellowship with one another as we strive to be more and more like You every day. Help us reflect Your glory to each other, to those who are seeking after You, and to the lost world around us so that Your name would be made great in all the earth. In Christ’s name. Amen.


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