The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:1-20:17)
Read & Discuss
God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments to help them know what is required for a person to be righteous. The first four commandments showed what it meant to love God and have a right relationship with Him. The other six taught the people how to live and love others. There is one big problem though. The Israelites – and all people – cannot perfectly follow these rules. The Bible tells us we all fall short of God’s perfect standard. Salvation is found in Jesus alone (Romans 3:23-24). Jesus lived a sinless life, died and rose again so that sinners can be forgiven.
Play a game of “Simon Says”. Make the game increasingly difficult, showing that no one can perfectly follow the calls to move. Discuss how hard it is to follow God’s rules perfectly. Then talk about how Jesus kept all the commandments perfectly, and how we are saved only by God’s grace.
Memory Verse
Have one family member read aloud this verse at each meal. 1 Samuel 2:2 “There is none holy like the Lord; for there is none besides You; there is no rock like our God.”
Thank God for the Bible that shows us what is means to be righteous. Read Romans 3:10-18 which describes all people. Think through your day and confess the ways you disobeyed God’s commandments. Thank God for Jesus who took the punishment for sin and credits His righteousness to all who believe in Him.