I Love the Church, Don’t You?
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

I Love the Church, Don’t You?

It is no surprise that the greatest organization on the face of the earth, the church, would be beset with all sorts of struggles, weaknesses, and imperfections in its earthly expression. Why? Simply because you and I are part of it. Enough said. But oh, how I love the church! There is nothing like her in terms of her origin (founded by our Creator, Redeemer, and King Jesus), her mission (to provide the ultimate remedy of life for our ultimate disease of sin), and her viability (she survives and thrives beyond any and all obstacle or opposition). 

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Full of Grace and Truth
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Full of Grace and Truth

One of the many remarkable attributes of our Lord and Savior is this: He is “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Truly amazing, but have you noticed how these attributes tend to be out of sync in our lives? I know it happens to me.

Like me, we have all been called to “walk as He walked” (1 John 2:6), to “follow in His steps” (1 Peter 2:21) because we are “predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29). The Lord desires that we be “full of grace and truth,” not bent toward truth OR grace.

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The Fellowship of the Unashamed
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

The Fellowship of the Unashamed

Before my dad went home to be with the Lord, he loved to preach, share the gospel, and write. One of his favorite ways to write was composing monologues which he compiled and put into a book, Words Aptly Spoken. These monologues were designed to motivate believers to live for Christ.

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Never Stop Doing 3 Things
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Never Stop Doing 3 Things

Growing up, my parents would tell us to avoid using the words “always” or “never.” These words tended to overexaggerate what really happened and lead to a potential and needless conflict.

God doesn’t avoid using the words “never” or “always” because He knows best what needs to be carefully avoided and intentionally perpetuated in our lives. 

It is interesting to read the 9 English words (or 7 Greek words) in 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 that tell us three things God wants us to always keep doing (present tense imperatives).

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What’s Your G.E. Quotient
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

What’s Your G.E. Quotient

One of the ways churches want to stand out is by their culture of friendliness to newcomers. I call this the G.E. quotient, meaning our guest engagement factor.

One of the truths and experiences we hold dear as believers is how God designed us as relational people who find great joy in all the various relationships He blesses us with: marriage, family, siblings, friends, neighbors, classmates, teammates, gym partners, work colleagues, affinity groups, church family, AND meeting those who are new to our church.

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What Your Trials Are and Are Not
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

What Your Trials Are and Are Not

I saw the following posted by Owen Strachan (provost and research professor of theology at Grace Theological Seminary) and it is worth sharing:

Your trials, Christian, aren’t accidents unplanned by God, spiraling out of His control.

Your trials aren’t attacks— God hating you and making you pay with bitter resentment.

Your trials aren’t mere allowances of God, occurrences He oversees but aren’t really from Him.

Your trials are God’s appointments in which He uses real pain and difficulty to

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Keep the New in View
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Keep the New in View

How many times did you hear the words “Happy New Year” this past week? Most likely more than a few times. It is part of our annual tradition of ringing in a New Year and there is always something enticing about new things: new opportunities, new friends, new energy, new experiences, new blessings, a new year. The word “new” is often used to highlight things that are fresh, updated, or improved. It is used by marketers to bait us into wanting things that are “new and improved.” God uses the word “new” and its derivatives to teach and motivate us about the best and ultimate kind of new which never needs an update or improvement, but only a regular application of its fresh dynamic in our lives.

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Why Read the Bible
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Why Read the Bible

There are many reasons to make a commitment to read your Bible regularly, and there’s no better time to start than at the beginning of a new year. 

God is all-knowing, all-wise, all-truth, and all-good, so what He says is authoritative, accurate, supernatural, sufficient, and indispensable for our lives. Here are just a few of the many benefits of reading God’s Word: 

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Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.