- Anxiety 2
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- Christian Living 127
- Christlikeness 6
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- Hebrews 11 1
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- Israel 2
- Jesus 6
- Joy 2
- King of Glory 1
- Lying 1
- Missions 1
- Outreach 1
- Pastor Jeff 1
- Perspective 2
- Prayer 7
- Psalm 119 3
- Reading 1
- Salvation 13
- Sanctification 1
- Satan 1
- Scripture 2
God’s Word to Gaza
In my reading this week, I ran across an excellent article about what the Bible says about Gaza written by Joel Rosenberg (editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons).
About Israel
The attention of the world is on the savagery of war that Hamas (in the Gaza Strip) perpetrated on Israel beginning this past Saturday, October 6th. The images and reports of rape, burning, butchering, beheading, kidnapping, and murder of Israeli men, women, children, and infants is horrifying. Hamas, being an Iranian-backed Islamic terrorist group, exists to eradicate the Jews any way they can (video) and the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) exists to defend its people and homeland from all foreign or domestic enemies. But why is there so much attention given to this small piece of real estate (about the size of New Jersey) that Israel occupies?
5 Lies
What would you think, and how would you react, if you heard someone announce what is being called five lies of our Anti-Christian age? Stunned? Wrong? Surprised? Over the top? Outrageous? Unloving? What is your reaction? Rosaria Butterfield just released a provocative book that calls for the church to repent of five common lies about sexuality, faith, our culture and churches today.
Who Am I?
Here’s an understatement: People are suffering from an identity crisis. Everywhere you turn, our culture is redefining everything: gender, sexuality, marriage, parenting, family, race, work, crime, policing, victims, you name it. No one seems to know who they really, are and we are watching the tragic results of this all around us.
M.O.R.E. Tools
Sunday, we learned how we can make MORE disciples of Jesus Christ and Paul reminded us that he was committed to make himself “a slave to all, so that I may win more” (1 Corinthians 9:19). I presented four biblical ways to win more and used Paul’s word “more” to spell out these truths:
Who is the King of Glory?
In the Old Testament, oftentimes the glory of God was concealed and feared. God’s glory was hidden in clouds, fire, the tabernacle, the temple, and in shrouded theophanies. It was feared as the “devouring fire,” the judgment against sin, and no man could look upon His holiness without dying.
Work the 1212 Plan!
Life can be so topsy turvy. One moment you feel good, the next moment you don’t. One day it’s sunny and warm, the next it’s rainy and cold. One minute life seems so peaceful, then your preschool grandkids show up and share their sense of fun and freedom around the house (love those stinkers). Whether it’s a sickness, stress, weather, loss, disappointment, struggle, conflict, temptation, burden, busyness, or any other adversity that likes to rear its ugly head, I recommend the 1212 plan.
The Power of the Minority
One of the things we quickly learn about God is how unpredictable, uncharacteristic, and unorthodox He is. He is so superior and so unique; He refuses to be put in a box. God reminds us that “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isa. 55:8), and “How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!” (Rom. 11:33b). One of His unorthodox ways is His use of the minority.